Daily Archives: August 27, 2006

What is the stock option crisis all about?

I was interviewed last week for this story in the SJ Mercury News on the stock option backdating crisis. An interesting question is whether or not investor lawsuits or SEC prosecution will solve the problems of managing public corporations. Investors, particularly large institutional investors, need to cosnider a more active role in managing the companies in which they invest such as taking a seat on boards of directors. Unfortunately, the SEC blocked reforms last year that would have made that easier!


The party comes to Wal-Mart in China | FT business | The Australian

The Communist party that is – so if there was any doubt about the link between allowing the ACFTU into WalMart and the Chinese communists this should dispel that! I wonder how those western trade unionists like UCLA Labor Center chief Kent Wong and Change to Win’s Andy Stern who think the ACFTU is a real labor union explain this development!

The party comes to Wal-Mart in China | FT business | The Australian