Daily Archives: April 18, 2008

If Mohammed won’t come to the mountain….

One thing people who live outside the Valley take a long time to learn is that it is a small community and you have to be here to know what is going on.  Location, location, location….even law firms around here have split up over whether or not to open up a second office on Sand Hill Road!  And one factor in explaining the rise to the top in high tech of my former law firm, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, is that it opened up shop here in Palo Alto (in the late 60s) and stayed there through thick and thin.  When entrepreneurs and venture capitalists needed them they were here while larger firms in NY, LA and SF were not.  Now those firms are playing catch up here.
So, finally, the entertainment industry is catching on as this story in Variety today suggests.

CBS sets up in Silicon Valley